
Cropogen Organics

Our inspiration

Farmers are being; an exploited community that has frustrated by the burden of surviving in ever-increasing debt without having enough scale and capital. Due to impacts of soil degradation, climate change, costlier farm inputs, decreased production, supply-demand equilibrium, low-profit margin, lack of warehouse, cold storage, and other unethical socio-economic maneuvers that compel Farmers to give up agriculture. It enforces us to sustain the farmers by supporting in conversion to organic farming, giving profitable margin on procurement, establish Farmer Producer Organization, utilization of various government-subsidized schemes and benefits.

Man made crisis


Soil is a living ecosystem and non-renewable geological resource which endorse agriculture for the production of 95% of our food; facilitates the rich biodiversity converts carbon dioxide into life-sustaining oxygen, regulates the flows of freshwater bodies, plays a vital role in climate change mitigation and adaptation by carbon sequestration and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. But UN estimates healthy soil is degraded and eroded by agriculture, deforestation, and other factors at an alarming rate, and globally 52% of agricultural land has tarnished. If this situation continues, all our cultivable soil will have vanished in the next 60 years. UN projects that the ever-increasing human population growth is estimated to reach nearly 9.3 billion by 2045. We could soon face a food crisis of untold proportions. Growing human populations and inefficient agriculture practices have led to an extreme loss of tree cover, and the Soil is no longer sufficiently replenished. The land is incapable of absorbing and retaining water efficiently and suffers erosion, lowers water levels, and dying land is taking a devastating toll on our farmers, who suffer failed crops and crippling debt.

Organic agriculture a sustainable solution

Our commitment is to make an effort to raise the farmer’s awareness and inspire a sense of inclusiveness such that the cultivator’s activity becomes oriented towards responsible environmental action to address the ecological degeneration of the soil.

Since we recognize our responsibility for our children and our future generations, it is critical to leave behind a planet capable of producing nutritious food and align human activity to be conductive for nature and life on our planet. At least a minimum of 3% raising the organic content of the soil is essential.

The entity engages offer tree seedlings, implement regenerative, other proven organic farming methods to reduce farm input cost, establishing a Farmer Producer Organization to facilitate the machinery, warehouse, cold storage, value addition, and marketing to mitigate the challenge. These support the farmers to convert from mono-crop to multi-crop tree-based agriculture to maintain the shade and moisture on the soil.

Naturally, the soil was constantly replenished with nutrients and organic substances by bio-degradation of plant and animal waste. The implementation of various regenerative farming methods will rejuvenate the ecosystem. It will enhance the cultivator’s financial soundness and the health of microorganisms, plants, animals, and humans for a sustainable future.