
Cropogen Organics

A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Desi or Indigenous Cow

Desi Cow:

The Desi cow, a type of Indian cow, is part of the Bos indicus breed. These cows are recognized for their humped backs, which is a unique trait. It is believed that the Suryaketu nadi has the ability to absorb energy from the cosmos, making their milk more nutritious. This belief shows the deep spiritual and holistic relationship between cows and humans.
Sixth Sense and Empathy:
Cows are celebrated for their sharp sixth sense. In old tales, there are stories of cows sensing disasters or threats to their human caretakers. Their capacity to understand and share human feelings is extraordinary. Examples of cows crying or not eating when their owners are upset illustrate this connection.
Natural Warnings:
The actions of Devani breed cows in Lathur before the catastrophic earthquake in 1993 are fascinating. Although we couldn’t interpret their message at the time, it points to the sensitivity of these animals to natural phenomena. Similarly, the strange actions of cows in Baraguru, Amblacheri, and Kangayam before the 2004 Tsunami highlight their link to the natural world.
Cow Preservation:
Following the Bhopal gas disaster in 1984, it was noted that houses covered in cow dung plaster survived. Cow dung has been traditionally used for various purposes, including building and as fuel. This tradition reflects the practical knowledge and ingenuity associated with cows in Indian society. Indeed, the Indian cow is more than just a source of income. It represents sustainability, spirituality, and a deep connection with the natural world. Efforts like the International Federation of Zebu Cattle in India (IFZCI) aim to preserve and enhance the genetic quality of these cows, reflecting a growing international interest in their medicinal and health-promoting properties.

Surya Ketu nadi

In India, the Surya Ketu nadi flows through the hump of the Indian humped cow, where it absorbs all the cosmic energies. This nadi, when it comes into contact with sunlight, creates gold salts in the cow’s bloodstream. These salts are found in the cow’s milk and other bodily fluids, which are believed to have miraculous healing properties, explaining why cow’s milk and ghee have a golden color. The cow’s stomach allows bacteria to break down plant fibers, enabling the cow to absorb the proteins and energy from these plants. The cow is one of the animals with the longest digestive system, which is home to a large number of bacteria. This is why cow’s milk and ghee possess potential health benefits that are beneficial for humans to consume or use in their daily lives.

A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Desi cow ghee is derived from a traditional breed of cattle, known as the A2 breed, and its milk is identical. This type of ghee is produced from cows of breeds like Desi or indigenous cows in India, which naturally have milk rich in the A2 beta-casein protein. These old breeds have been celebrated for their exceptional ability to produce milk and ghee over the centuries. The primary distinction is found in the type of protein present in the cow’s milk, which is thought to affect how well it is digested and its overall impact on health. There’s a common belief that Desi cow ghee is simpler to break down than ghee made from A1 cow’s milk. For those who typically have stomach or digestive problems after eating dairy, it might be a better option to consume ghee made from cows with the A2 beta-casein protein. However, Desi cow ghee is not as commonly found in stores as ghee made from cows with the A1 beta-casein protein.

Crafted with care

This premium ghee, crafted through a traditional Indian Vedic Bilona technique, is made from the superior A2 milk of free-range cattle raised without the use of any additives, flavors, or preservatives. It honors the age-old wisdom of holistic health. This ghee is packed full of beneficial butyric acid, essential amino acids, and vitamins A, D, K, and E, all of which boost metabolism, strengthen the immune system, support intestinal health, and offer a rich, nutty taste and a silky, creamy consistency.
Bilona Technique:
Traditionally, Bilona ghee is prepared by hand, utilizing a unique churning device known as the bilona. This slow, low-temperature process helps Bilona ghee retain higher amounts of vitamins and nutrients.
A2 Desi Cow Milk:
The milk used is collected through an ethical method that does not exploit the cows. The process begins by heating the milk to encourage the formation of thick, full-bodied curd overnight in a clay pot. To make one liter of Bilona Ghee, approximately thirty liters of A2 Desi Cow Milk are needed. The curd is then carefully churned with a bi-directional wooden churner, also referred to as a bilona, to create this flavorful butter. This butter is gently simmered in clay pots over cow dung fires for around six hours to refine the ghee.
Our eco-conscious method involves using recyclable glass jars for packaging to prevent the ghee from spoiling. This is done to avoid the environmental hazards caused by plastic jars, which can lead to the creation of microplastics.

Health Benefits

Mental Well-being: A2 ghee is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, which are beneficial for brain functions such as memory, focus, and mental clarity. It’s especially important for expectant mothers and kids in their early years for brain growth.

Eye Revitalization: The presence of vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids in A2 ghee rejuvenates the eyes, making it suitable for those who spend a lot of time looking at screens.

Heart Health: Packed with monounsaturated fats and CLA, A2 ghee supports heart health by increasing the flexibility of blood vessels and veins, decreasing harmful cholesterol levels, and raising good cholesterol levels.

Gastrointestinal Assistance: Ghee helps the digestive system by coating and moisturizing it, making it easier for food to move through and protecting the stomach. It also improves the health of intestinal cells, removes waste, and helps keep bowel movements regular.
Osteoporosis Prevention: A2 ghee is a good source of vitamin D, which is crucial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as maintaining healthy bones.

Defense Against Infection: The fat-soluble vitamins in Bilona ghee boost the immune system and are important for the proper functioning of the heart, brain, and skeletal health.

Aiding in Weight Loss: The presence of omega-6 fatty acid (CLA) in A2 ghee aids in weight loss by helping to eliminate toxins and reducing the impact of certain foods on blood sugar levels.

Fight against Inflammation: Butyric acid in ghee supports the digestive system by aiding in the breakdown of fat and has potential anticancer properties.
Fertility Enhancement: A2 ghee is known to improve fertility, support the process of getting pregnant, and is an important part of the diet for infants, providing them with the energy they need and contributing to memory improvement.

Skin Enhancement: A2 ghee naturally adds moisture to the skin, leaving it looking and feeling healthy.

In Ayurveda:
Restoring Balance: A2 ghee assists in restoring balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, which is essential for overall health and peace.
Boosting Digestion: A2 ghee enhances the digestive fire (Agni), helping with the absorption of nutrients and calming the digestive system.
Enhancement of Vital Functions (Dhatus): It supports the optimal function of the body’s tissues, enriching both the physical and mental aspects of health.
Production of Vitality (Ojas): A2 ghee is known for its ability to increase ojas, a substance that strengthens the immune system and promotes vitality and rejuvenation.
Maintainer of Vitality and Youthfulness (Tejas and Prana): By nourishing ojas, tejas, and prana, it helps to maintain overall well-being, joint health, and a youthful appearance.

Using a small amount of ghee shortly before eating is helpful. Eating ghee on its own without any food won’t cause weight gain. Yet, when added to sugar or carbs, it could play a role in turning fat into energy. As there’s a growing demand for natural and healthy foods, A2 ghee turns out to be a necessary daily addition.

Frequently asked questions

What is A2 Ghee?
A2 ghee represents a special type of clarified butter produced solely from milk that is sourced from pure A2 cows. This cow’s milk contains only the A2 beta-casein protein, which is found exclusively in the milk of certain native Indian cow species. This traditional churning technique ensures the ghee’s purity and high nutrient content.

Which is Superior A1 or A2 Ghee?
The A1 beta-casein found in the milk of certain cattle breeds can be detrimental, particularly for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Conversely, A2 ghee is derived from ancient Desi Indian cows that produce milk rich in A2 beta-casein protein, recognized for its health advantages. A2 ghee is easier to digest and is less likely to trigger negative side effects.

Why is A2 Ghee costly?
The premium nature of A2 ghee reflects the care taken in its production. It requires about 30 liters of full-fat milk that has been processed without any additives or preservatives. A2 ghee is made through a traditional method known as Bilona, where butter is extracted from curd or yogurt cream, preserving important nutrients, flavor, aroma, and texture. Regular ghee is manufactured directly from the cream of milk, which is usually marketed as non-fat milk.

What are the benefits of A2 Ghee?
 A2 milk ghee is mild on the digestive system, making it a suitable choice for everyone. It aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and helps the body detoxify. A2 ghee contains butyric acid, which nourishes the body. Important nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to maintaining a healthy heart. Desi cow ghee helps in lowering bad cholesterol by increasing HDL levels.

What are the differences between hand-churned A2 Ghee and cream-based Ghee?
The majority of ghee is prepared from cream (malai) gathered from milk. Ghee made from cream is higher in saturated fats and could potentially increase LDL (bad cholesterol). On the other hand, hand-churned A2 ghee is produced from milk, not cream, and is high in HDL (good cholesterol).

Does it certified?
Desi ghee is crafted from certified milk of A2 cows that are sourced ethically and packaged with high hygiene standards.

How to store it?
A2 ghee has a shelf life of up to a year if used regularly in cooking. It should be stored in a cool, dry spot, away from direct sunlight. An airtight glass jar is recommended, and refrigeration is not necessary.